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Individual Mastery VIP Doors image at Luna Healing & Coaching

Individual Mastery

Luna Healing & Coaching image of hands full of energy

Coaching & Healing

One session per month.

One 1-hour session customized to your needs and can include inner child work, energy healing, coaching or skill development. 

This is an opportunity to work with me in a more flexible container.


It is ideal for people who have already done my FastTrack Program but want to continue receiving support and guidance. It also works well for those who are already working with other practitioners, or practicing self-help, but need some additional support or specialized facilitation. 


You pay a monthly fee and can terminate the membership at any time with a 15-day advance notice.

Laser Session

One session per month.


A 15-minute focused coaching session to guide you through a specific issue or towards a specific goal.

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Luna Healing & Coaching image of email

Email Support

Additional support via chat or email with a 48 hour response time.

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